External Auditory Canal Lesion Excision Sample Report


PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:  Lesion of external auditory canal.

POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:  Lesion of external auditory canal.

OPERATION PERFORMED:  Radical excision of external auditory canal lesion.

SURGEON:  John Doe, MD



INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:  The patient is a (XX)-year-old who presented with a bleeding, friable, painful lesion of the ear canal. The lesion has apparently been present for eight months and has been unresponsive to topical therapy. An ulceration and raised areas suggest the possibility of basal cell.

DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:  Following the satisfactory instillation of oral endotracheal anesthesia, the right ear was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Xylocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine was instilled in the postaural area as well as endaural markings of the Lempert I and III incision, and the ear canal was injected with Xylocaine 1:50,000. The canal was debrided of ceruminous material, squamous debris, and copiously irrigated with Betadine and then sterile saline.

A modified Lempert endaural approach was now cut, and hemostasis was achieved with bipolar cautery. The lesion was identified, and a circumferential incision was made several millimeters lateral to the annulus with back-cuts being made along the tympanomastoid suture and then just cephalic to the upper portion of the lesion. The lesion does not extend to the cartilaginous junction, and a lateral incision was now made. Dissection was carried to the level of the periosteum, which was included as the lesion was now removed. A circumferential cuff of canal skin was now removed and sent for frozen section, which revealed no evidence of tumor. The postaural area was now prepared, and using an 11 blade, a split-thickness skin graft was harvested. The wound site was hemostased, and fresh Gelfoam with adrenaline was applied to the donor site.

The split-thickness skin graft was now contoured into the bony defect area and packed in place with Gelfoam. The cottonoid was applied to the ear canal. The postaural area was dressed. The patient was awakened from anesthesia. Permanent sections are pending on the mass. The patient was discharged to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.