Physical Exam Medical Transcription Format

GENERAL:  She is awake, alert, and in no acute distress.
HEENT:  Head: Atraumatic, normocephalic. AF open and flat. Eyes: PERRL. Red reflex present bilaterally. Clear conjunctivae bilaterally. Ears: Normal TMs and canals bilaterally. Nose: No deformity. Throat: No erythema.
NECK:  No deformity.
HEART:  Normal S1, S2. No murmurs. Pulses are adequate.
LUNGS:  Clear bilaterally.
ABDOMEN:  Soft, nontender. No organomegaly.
GENITOURINARY:  Tanner I female.
SPINE:  No deformity.
EXTREMITIES:  Negative for Ortolani or Barlow.
NEUROLOGICAL:  Complete Moro. Normal power.
SKIN:  No rashes or petechiae.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: On examination, he looks well. Blood pressure 112/72 and pulse 72. Head and neck exam unremarkable. No lymphadenopathy or jaundice. Precordium is quiet. Normal heart sounds. No added sounds or murmurs. Lungs clear to auscultation. No crackles or wheezes. Abdomen is benign. No obvious organomegaly or masses appreciated. No peripheral edema evident.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: On examination, he looks his stated age. Blood pressure 130/70 and pulse 80. Head and neck exam unremarkable. No lymphadenopathy or jaundice. Precordium is quiet. No heaves or lifts. PMI is normal. S1, S2 is normal. No S3, no S4, no murmurs. Lungs reveal diminished breath sounds to the bases and slight crepitation. No other adventitious sounds. Abdomen is benign. No obvious organomegaly or masses appreciated. No peripheral edema evident.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: On exam, blood pressure 124/58, heart rate 66, sats are 98% on room air. Head and neck exam normal with no signs of lymphadenopathy or stigmata of chronic liver disease. Lungs are clear with no crackles or wheeze. He had normal S1 and S2. No extra heart sounds or murmurs. Abdomen was benign and slightly distended. The patient did have some very mild right lower quadrant pain with deep palpation; however, there were no peritonitic signs and no masses palpated. Extremities were warm and well perfused. There were no focal neurological changes.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The patient has no change in vascular, neurologic, or musculoskeletal since last visit. The patient has a Tailor’s bunion and hallux hammer toes and keratoses. Neurologically intact.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Blood pressure 142/72, temperature 98.4. The patient is alert, oriented, and conversant. Does not appear ill in any way. HEENT: Nasal pallor with mild edema. No exudate. Normal TMs and oropharynx. Neck: Supple. No adenopathy, thyromegaly. Heart: Regular rate and rhythm. S1, S2. No murmurs. Lungs: Clear to auscultation.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Blood pressure 104/64, heart rate 72, weight 164 pounds, temperature 99.6. Full range of motion of neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles. There is no swelling or synovitis in these joints, and joints are hypermobile. Lungs are clear. Regular rate and rhythm. S1, S2. Abdomen is soft and nontender. No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. No positive straight leg at today’s visit.

PE Sample 1

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Blood pressure 126/70, heart rate 82, weight 232. Neck: Supple. Lungs: CTAB. Heart: RRR. No murmurs. Abdomen: Benign. Extremities: Trace bilateral pitting edema.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The patient is awake, alert, and oriented. She is in ill tempered and bad mood. She appears to be angry and somewhat confrontational. She has a very loud voice today. She has a pain level of 10/10 with significant pain behavior.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: No distress. Vital Signs: Stable, afebrile. There is no spinous process tenderness or spasm. Straight leg raise was negative. Neurologic, cardiovascular features are unremarkable. Lower extremities with full sensation, pulses, reflexes, and motor function. He can almost touch his fingers to his toes, which is his usual range of motion. Lateral bending and lateral rotation were normal.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: CVS: S1, S2, regular. Lungs: Clear to auscultation. She is tender on palpation on her left side paraspinally and tight, and is tender at her SI joint, tender at her hip area and, by pressure on the hip, we actually reproduced the sciatica.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: On examination, the patient is a short, stout woman. She has dentures. Examination of head and neck, otherwise, was unremarkable. The patient has a Mallampati 2 airway. Chest was clear with good air entry bilaterally. Heart sounds were normal. Could not hear any murmurs. Blood pressure today was 150/84, and her oxygen saturation was 98% on room air. Examination of her abdomen revealed it to be soft. There was tenderness on deep palpation in the epigastric area and in the left lower quadrant. Could elicit no significant symptoms on the right side. Rectal examination not done.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: On examination, she looks reasonably well and was in no distress at rest. Blood pressure was 152/86 mmHg with a regular heart rate of 84 beats per minute. Respiratory rate was 14 breaths per minute with an oxygen saturation of 100% on room air. Head and neck examination was unremarkable. Chest was resonant to percussion with clear breath sounds heard on auscultation bilaterally. Cardiovascular examination demonstrated normal heart sounds with no added sounds or murmurs present. No jugular venous distention nor any peripheral edema noted. All peripheral pulses were palpable. Abdomen was soft and nontender with normal bowel sounds present. There are no palpable masses nor hepatosplenomegaly evident. Neurologic exam was grossly intact.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Blood pressure 152/86, pulse 66, respirations 18, and temperature 98.4. In general, the patient is a thin male in no acute distress. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Conjunctivae are pink. Tympanic membranes are within normal limits bilaterally. Oropharynx reveals no erythema or exudate. There is no supraclavicular or cervical adenopathy or thyromegaly. Chest is clear to auscultation bilaterally. Cardiac exam reveals regular rhythm and rate without murmur or gallop. No carotid or abdominal bruits. Abdomen reveals normoactive bowel sounds, soft, nontender, no organomegaly. On neuro exam, the patient is alert and oriented x3. Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. Gait is normal. Tandem gait is normal. Finger-to-nose is normal. Romberg is negative.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: On examination today, she is afebrile. Her blood pressure is 92/64. Heart rate is 72. Weight is 82 pounds. HEENT: Bilateral eardrums partially visualized because of wax. Oral mucosa is moist. Nasal mucosa is moist. No congestion. No lymphadenopathy. Lungs: Clear to auscultation. Heart: S1, S2 normal. Regular rate and rhythm. Abdomen is soft, nontender, nondistended. No rebound. No guarding.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: She is neurovascularly intact to sensation and motor. She has pain at the A1 pulley of the right ring finger with locking noted. Capillary refill is brisk. Normal skin turgor and texture.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Blood pressure is 124/90, pulse 74, respirations 14. We do not appreciate any dominant mass or axillary lymphadenopathy in either breast. At the time of the exam, her nipples are both everted.

PE Sample 2

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The patient has pulses 2 for DP/PT bilateral, CFT 3 seconds. Neurologically grossly intact. Negative clonus. Negative Babinski. The patient has 4/5 dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion and eversion to the left foot and 5/5 dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion and eversion of the right foot. Range of motion 0 degrees dorsiflexion, 45 degrees plantarflexion, 10 degrees inversion and eversion. Positive and restricted pain upon range of motion of ankle joint noted. The patient has positive pain upon palpation proximally at the base of the fifth metatarsal along the course of the peroneal tendons. Positive tightness and tenderness along the lateral insertion of the tendoachilles level. Local edema. Positive tenderness upon palpation. There is scar tissue along the peroneal tissue as well as tendoachilles.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Temperature 97.4, pulse 66, respirations 20, O2 sat 97% on room air, and BP 160/94. He does not appear acutely ill. He does have some audible nasal congestion. TMs are clear. Nares are clear with some slightly boggy nasal mucosa. Neck is supple. Chest shows no retractions. Lungs are clear with good equal breath sounds. Cardiac exam reveals regular rate and rhythm without murmur. Abdomen is soft, nondistended, positive bowel sounds, nontender in all four quadrants. Skin shows no evidence of rash.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: BP 152/78, temperature 98.4, pulse 82, respirations 16, and O2 sat 100% on room air. The patient is well developed, in no distress. Moist mucous membranes. Neck is supple, no JVD. Cardiac exam reveals regular rate and rhythm, S1, S2. The patient has an occasional end-expiratory wheeze, good air exchange. The patient’s abdomen is soft, positive bowel sounds. Slight tenderness in the left upper and left lower quadrants. No rebound, no guarding, no masses. Trace edema of the lower extremities. Rectal, heme negative, no masses.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Temperature: 97.8. Pulse: 76. Blood pressure: 134/84. Weight: 184 pounds. There is no mucosal pallor. There is no icterus. There is no peripheral adenopathy. The heart reveals a regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub or gallop. The lungs are clear to auscultation with no wheezing, rhonchi or rales. There is a bandage in the left upper anterior chest from removal of the former LifePort. The abdomen is soft and nontender with good bowel sounds. There is no hepatosplenomegaly, masses or ascites. There is no dependent edema.

OBJECTIVE: The patient is in no distress. Weight 142, blood pressure 132/62 with a pulse of 66 and irregularly irregular. Unable to elicit any orthostatic changes or symptoms by going from lying to standing. Provocative maneuvers do not create symptoms. Chest is clear. Neck shows restricted motion beyond 45 degrees, either to the right or the left, because of muscle spasm. Carotids are 1+ without bruits. There is no JVD or HJR. Heart: Irregularly irregular rhythm without murmur, gallop, or rub. Abdomen: Soft. Bowel sounds normal. Extremities: Without edema.